Sunday, November 11, 2018

Christ heals broken things.

I kind of copped out on that last post I wrote.  I didn’t really tell you how believing in Christ, professing Christ, or thanking God for Christ is not enough, from my own experience.  I learned more than I ever had before about turning towards Christ and using His atonement while we were on our mission.  I have spoken about it in previous blog posts.  I felt knowledge exponentially grow within me of how Christ’s atonement is a power to heal me spiritually, sometimes even physically.  On my mission, it strengthened me daily as I called on the atoning blood of Jesus Christ to worry for me, make me calm, make me brave, make me get out of bed, make me keep moving, stay awake while driving, free me from guilt of not doing more, being more, and accomplishing more.  I called on Christ’s power to hold my irritation from having a leaky faucet I couldn’t get fixed for 4 months, too, burnt rolls for a luncheon.  I needed more power than I possessed at the time and it made me have to learn Christ.  Being so vulnerable made me have to learn how to Come, Seek, and Turn to Him.  And I did.

I used Christ for everything I needed so I could have a free heart; free to be filled with the opposite of what my natural woman was feeling; calm instead of irritated, energy instead of tired, brave instead of nervous, comfort instead of worry, peace instead of guilt.  I could write volumes about how life changing this knowledge; that I could use Christ’s atonement for whatever I needed instantly, came to be for me. 

So this is great to talk about, but what does it have to do with my previous blog post?  The thing is I coped out by not saying the truth. I have learned something different since the mission, because when I came home I couldn’t, I didn’t, and I haven’t.   I couldn’t use His atonement to make me be strong, get up and go, love everything, serve everyone.  I felt guilty about that.  I knew how to use Christ to help me be more, “I should be doing that”.  But I couldn’t, I was in too much pain.

It wasn’t coming home that caused all the pain and suffering.  It was everything that happened because of coming home that broke me.  I felt like I was pieces of myself and I didn’t know where I had gone, or what happened.  I kept asking myself what was wrong with me.  I found out about 18 months later that you can develop depression from traumatic events, and that rang true for me. 
When we came home in just one month we moved, we lost our job and had no source of income, I took care of my mother while she died, Don developed Parkinson’s, I got my father into an assisted living facility, dissolved my parents estate, and faced living with the tragedy of what happened to my twin boys, all in about 30 days.  It was so brutal.  And then the hard things kept coming even after that.

Why couldn’t I use Christ’s atoning power to just heal me automatically for good?  I admit there have been lots of times I thought, “Oh good, I’m back, I feel more normal.”  But then I couldn’t hold on to it.  It was like 2 steps forward and one step back for a long time, like years. 

In the last three years: I didn’t know if God knew me anymore, if he had a plan for me, if he loved me, or would bless me.  I had whisperings of thoughts that killed my hope all the time. To be honest, thoughts about God’s integrity.  I felt we had sacrificed and worked so hard and He didn’t bless us.  I felt he had given a promise that if we took care of the missionaries, he would take care of our children, and he didn’t. I had lots of why questions.  I hated them, but I couldn’t stop them.

Looking at it now, I think God had a different path for me.  He has shown me a different way to Christ than what I knew before.  I have seen His hand in miraculous ways over the last three years.  Could I have had that happen if I was magically healed and made strong right away?  Three years of struggle is a whole different path then being healed in 3 days! 

This long process of seeing myself more clearly; who I am and who I’m not, has been one more painful thing added to the list.  But it has also made me see who my savior is and who he isn’t as I have felt him work with me, be patient with me, and whisper to me.

My experience on my mission was Christ’s atonement can heal us quickly, strengthen us immediately, take away, hold, or even create a barrier instantaneously.

My experience coming home from my mission was Christ’s atonement can heal us over time, strengthen us in layers, take away the poison in my soul, hold the pain, and create a barrier of protection between me and spirit sucking thoughts, gradually.  Gradually because of me, not because of Him.  Gradually because some things take time. 

Gradual is a different path and as I look back my heart is so full of gratitude, love and something else that is indescribable.  It is like knowledge.  Knowledge of god’s goodness, his amazing patience, His gentle kindness.  I haven’t been easy the last few years.  But I look back and know He stayed with me.  He hasn’t condemned me for asking, He hasn’t whipped me for my doubts, fears, or disappointments.  He hasn’t been hard on me because I was in so much pain I couldn’t be strong.
I know His character in a different way now, because of the gradual, layers of knowledge and healing. 

This knowledge has forced me to look back on my life and see Him more clearly in past times too.  Christ’s Atonement was always blessing me, but it was in ways I didn’t really understand.  When I was young, crying over being hit or screamed at, He was there.  When I was a starving student paying my way through college, He was there.  All the times I struggled in my marriage, He was there.  When I had 5 children in 6 years and was busy way beyond my own strength, He was there. 

I look back and feel amazed at all these hard things in my life that I got through pretty well.  As I have come to know my savior and my Heavenly Father more intimately through these last 3 years I recognize they were always there helping me throughout my life, I just didn’t know it.

Whenever you are in the depths, trying, God is there, whether you know it or not. 

I thought I knew God when we went on our mission.  I thought I was pretty much there spiritually.  But then God showed me so much more while we served.  I came to know God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in such a more intimate, powerful way while he made us capable of serving. 

I thought God was done when we came home; he had shown me all He had, and I was pretty much there spiritually.  Now I look back and I know I was just getting started.  I have learned so much more from this gradual, layer filled, painful process of coming to know all He can do. 

He can heal broken things.  He can put all our pieces back together.  He can give us incredible light and knowledge that helps us see into the eternities.  I don’t worry anymore.  He will keep all of His promises.  He will give us sight.  He will help us walk.  He saves us.  He has saved me over and over.
My perspective is death is not the end.  This life is not the end all, be all, to our living.  God will wipe away our tears, and turn all things to our good.

Believing in Christ is great.  But what is even better is knowing Him!  How does He work in your life right now?  How is He loving you?  How is He healing you?  What is He speaking to you?  What is He trying to get you to do, or not do?  What does He want you to know? 

He is communicating.  He is working.  Will you open up your heart and mind to see Him, not just when your running on all cylinders, but when you’re not?  Because He is still there.  He is not just powerful in those times to make you rise and meet life head on, full of energy and strength, making you better and capable.  He is also there when you are broken, holding on and just surviving. 

So my message is:
Christ’s power is real.  He is real.  A vague profession of belief won’t due.  Whatever phase of life you’re in, where ever your journey has taken you, whether you’re on top of the world with faith and conversion, or if you’re at the bottom mired in the pain of sin and regret, or anywhere else in between, His power to heal you, speak to you, and love you is real.  Repent and He will clean, Listen and He will speak, Ask and He will give.  His power atones for all we go through on this personal journey.  It’s intimate, and sacred, and personal to us.  He heals us spiritually when we stay with Him.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Christ is not the end game, but He is the Way.

I haven’t published a blog in a long time.  I’ve been writing off and on, but haven’t posted.  It’s been a long process for me to discover why.  And, now I don’t know where to start.  So I thought I would start with this week.  I hope to overcome and post things from the last three years journey but today is just about today.

Lots of thoughts this week:

First thought. Have you ever come across a person that seems to have a block against you?  You don’t know why, but it feels like they are constantly making you wrong?  Or have you ever been a person who doesn’t like someone and you can’t help but interpret them in negative way?  I would imagine the answer is, YES.

My thought is, to really see right and wrong, truth and error, isn’t that easy.  It feels natural to me that we see things according to our own way; what makes us justified, blame free, or right.  To ever see anything different from that way, we must have some kind of spiritual transformation.  The reason why is, it’s just so easy to see ourselves right in every situation.  The natural man inside of us just pulls at us to make everyone wrong and ourselves right.  So seeing correctly can be difficult.  It’s easier to just see things according to the world and our own story.

I think the world also makes it difficult to see right and wrong, truth and error, because the natural man wants comfort, easy, and safe.  The worlds messages are usually always about obtaining and living in a place of comfort, ease and safety.  So truth can be difficult to find.

My thought is we must be clean and worthy of God’s spirit to see HIS TRUTH, HIS RIGHT.  Being clean and worthy of His spirit gives us the chance to See clearly.

Second Impression. Knowing Christ is not enough.  Christ is not the end game.  He is the Way.  But the way to what? 

The end game s to live with God again; to be a person who COULD live and WOULD WANT to live with him.  Christ is the vehicle to becoming that person.  Knowing about Christ’s atonement, believing in Him and what He did is awesome, but that is just the gift box still wrapped, with the ribbon still intact.  It’s a wasted gift.  Coming unto Christ is all about unwrapping and using the gift of His atonement.  And using the gift of His atonement is all about becoming Holy; which is not and never will be a passive belief or knowing, it is a very active, alive, agent based process.

My thought is this, repenting of sin is just the first, basic step.  I feel there is a whole lot of unholy going on inside of us and me, that isn’t really thought of as sin.  Angry, Mad, Irritated, Frustrated, Hate, Envy, Fear, even things like Regret, Hurt and Pain take us/me away from feeling and being filled with the Spirit of God.  Yet they aren’t normally considered sin, or things we need to repent of.

Our Savior’s doesn’t want us to just profess belief, know about Him, or only use His Atonement for “obvious sin”.  He wants us to use Him to Become as He Is.  Which means we must get to the point where we, “love our enemies, (or even just love our family members), do good to those who hate you and pray for those which despitefully use you, and persecute you. That you may be a child of God.” Matt 5.

We must suffereth long and be kind,  envieth not, is not puffed up, seeketh no her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in truth, bear, believe, hope and endure all things.  Moroni 7.

My experience is all this is impossible!  My guess is all of us are not these things.  That is why knowing Christ is not enough.  Believing in Him is not enough.  We must Use Him; we must ask God to apply Christ atoning blood so that we may not only be forgiven of our sins, but that our hearts may be purified. Mosiah 4.

When our hearts are purified we can be loving when we’re hurt, (we don’t do that on our own), we can be kind when we are mistreated, (we don’t do that on our own), we can be comforted when we are full of grief, peaceful in times of trial, happy in others success, humble when we are wrong.  How hard is that!  We need a Savior to save us from all of this natural man stuff that so easily besets us.  But it’s not just professing or belief. 

We must use our Savior’s atoning sacrifice to purify us so that we can reach the end game.  A heart that can live in God’s presence; a heart that wants nothing that isn’t pure or holy.  Only God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit can get us there and we must be an active participant.  We can’t just “sit” in our anger, frustration and pain and stay there.  We must move, using our savior, and come out of it.

My third realization comes from D&C 59: 12-14.  Verse 12-“Remember the Lord’s Day……..”  Verse 13-“…… no other thing,… with singleness of heart that thy fasting may be perfect, or, in other words, that thy joy may be full.”

Have you ever thought of fasting and joy together in the same sentence?  Yes, it said that.  “Joy may be full” is another way of saying, “fasting may be perfect”.

Verse 14-“Verily, this is fasting and prayer, or in other words, rejoicing and prayer.”  Yes, it said, fasting and rejoicing are the same thing.

Have you ever thought of fasting as being a rejoicing experience?

To be honest, I would have to say none of the time did I start a fast feeling joy and rejoicing at the thought of fasting.  {There is that natural man again.}

I think when I feel really spiritual, really bonded, really close to God I have felt Joy and Rejoicing as synonyms of Fasting, so I know that can happen.  But most of the time I do it because it’s a commandment and I want to obey.   And I am super happy when it’s over and I love the blessings I gained from it.  After it’s over! 

My learning is, when you want good, love righteousness, desire all those spiritual feelings and spiritual blessings that come when fasting, and you want them more than you want food or water, then you will think of fasting as joyful and rejoice to do it. 

My next thought is I need my savior for that too.

To conclude.  All three of these thoughts came to me at different times during the week, but I feel the message to me was the same.  I can see a natural man inside of me and if I want to overcome the natural man I have to actively not be OK with his presence.  I have to ask, seek, knock, cry, empty, wash, see, listen, reject, invite, stand, kneel, open, push, etc. etc. etc. 

Basically, “Becoming” is such an active, verb based process.